Alone, 2021
Paisley Marten
Acrylics on tile
Original Painting, 91.44 x 91.44 x 7.62 cm
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About Paisley Marten
From the age of 3, when I received my first framed art of Frida Kahlo, creativity has been my steadfast companion. As a writer and artist, each contributes to the symphony of my life. In my studio, I have been playing with colors and textures since high school. Much like a conductor guiding an intimate ensemble of imagination, the canvas becomes my orchestra, and every brushstroke plays a note in the composition of my artistic journey.
About the Product
This piece is a fusion of introspective depth and textural expressiveness. First, the introspective depth is shown in the composition by the downward glance and the soft lighting that caresses the face. Then the textural expressiveness is shown in the composition by the bold, impasto brushstrokes and the contrasting softness of the skin. The randomness of this piece arises from the juxtaposition of the unfinished background and the detailed rendering of the figure, embodying a dance between the undefined and the intimately known. This was influenced by the works of Lucian Freud, with his tactile rendering style, and the emotional honesty of Edvard Munch, reflecting the complexities of the human condition.