
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, allow yourself to be one with a frozen moment in time and contemplate childhood, carefree walks, playful escapades, content places and tender love encounters. Events in a room are events in space, you are never really alone, always circled by memories, reasons and choices. But the greater weapon against stress is your ability to choose one thought over another, an immediate reaction to shift to a better state of mind.
His drawings are like meditation, Jose Higuera paints exactly that, delicate moments of an uplifting reality. A new reflection of old matters and events comes as a salvation or as a glue that holds together all your scattered pieces. Every oil painting is a continuous search for happiness, soulful and humane situations. The inspiration comes always uninvited, just by overlooking this complex world and seeking beauty in simple and unnoticed characteristics of life.
This artist has a unique way of giving meaning to pictures long forgotten, giving life to shadows that follow us and bringing a sudden light like a reminder that each time we stop another reality precedes us. Like a symmetrical angel, he sets the scene for rare thrills, where the past overlaps instantly the present and in reversal. Times are instances, configuring when you can go to your next stop, but in this case they are only excuses to replace things already broken.About
Since an early age he showed a defined interest in drawing and painting, being this a tendency noticed by his school teachers. Encouraged by his teachers and his family, Jose was provided of the needed material to pursue his artistic talent resulting in the fact that at the age of ten years he had already produced his first oil painting. His grandmother decides to put him under the tuition of local artists to initiate him in the knowledge of some techniques of this art and start him painting mainly landscapes; although it should be noted that José is basically a self-taught artist with the inevitable influences of the creative movements that he develops with his own style being realism the basis of all his work.
His first exhibitions are received with high interest by the critics and the public and is not long before he stars selling his works with the resulting enthusiasm that encourages him to continue on the not-always-easy road of the art of painting as a profession.
During years Jose works on an exclusive basis with the Art Gallery and Auction House of Madrid, during which period he builds up experience and contacts that allow him to dedicate his time exclusively to painting. He has then presented his works in a number of exhibitions throughout Spain, USA and Asia.
At the moment he lives in Cantabria (North of Spain) and the realism in his works continues to be the main characteristic.