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Marilina Marchica, Artist, Italy | Buy Paintings, Prints | Artlimes
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Marilina Marchica

Marilina Marchica

Agrigento, Italy


My painting tells of the relationship between man, nature and time, the landscape, the sign and the trace,
through the stripping, reduction and subtraction of figurative elements.
"my landscapes are" boxes "of memories,

day after day they welcome events and individuals who leave their marks and change their boundaries and appearance "

Marilina Marchica (Agrigento, 1984)
Marilina Marchica, born in Agrigento, where she works and lives, she graduated in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna in 2008. Her research is oriented towards a reflection on the theme of subtraction and on the aesthetics of the sign at the limit of abstraction thanks to an investigation of architecture and the wall as an internal / external diaphragm. The dividing surface, in particular, "the wall or border" takes on a marked symbolic value in relation to collapses and demolitions as a metaphor for a universal and existential dimension. Her works are present in many private and public Contemporary Art Collections.
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