Sower of living ideas, 2021
Handi Behric
The light object represents the world of matter and the world of spirit. It gives Human a revelation of where he comes from, why he is here, and where he is going. The meaning and purpose of Human. It also shows the transition - the fluidity between these two worlds. Human is caught between these two worlds and yet each lives his own special life. Artificial intelligence is also a fruit of this and will soon realize that nothing can exist without the Absolute.
Original Sculpture, 90 x 200 x 90 cm
About Handi Behric
Handi Behric, Master of Arts. Born in 1960 on planet Earth. He studied painting and other visual arts at Arthouse - College of Visual Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU. Art is my love and exploration of the unknown beyond us, the spirit. He lives in Menges - Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU and works as a professional graphic designer in the company Artline. He is engaged in graphic design, visual communications, web design and maintenance, graphics, painting and new AI technologies that are included in the new trendy web painting.
He has had several solo and group exhibitions. He has participated in international and other Art Colonies (Extempore), where he has received several awards and recognitions. He also participated in the Artists for Caritas colonies and donated quite a few of his works. He continued his education in various media and art educations. It leaves strong traces in the graphics as in the picture. It follows new digital technologies and knowledge, which are an indispensable part of today's iconography.
In his in-depth various artistic autonomy, he seeks his own knowledge and perception of the world in all its beauty and incomprehensibility. With different artistic language, he enters the unconscious - the idea spirit. He seeks its materiality to give it form and communication with man. In art, he is interested in a spiritual substance that is trapped in matter and presented to us as the world. This transformation of matter through art reveals - reveals to man a deeper insight into the interior of the invisible world and himself. It makes a person think and shows him the goal.About the Product
" This light sculpture, when lit, constantly emits a light aura and connects with your body and cleanses your mind and spirit! A bluetooth speaker is installed in the lower cavity, because you can download your favorite music through it, which will increase your connection with the aura and lead you into a perfect meditation. You are experiencing a revelation of creation."
Light object - sculpture, "Sower of living ideas", 2021200 x 90 x 90 cm (H x W x D)
What this work of art represents
Understanding the world anew
I pour my understanding into you through art and address you as "WOW".
For the first time in art, the vision and functioning of two worlds, in which some philosophers, artists and scientists believe, is presented in a modern way and at the same time in a simple way. By looking at and experiencing this work of art, I give all people a reflection on the holistic meaning of man.
This work has inspired me so much that I have made many more digital images and videos that broaden the horizons in this field of art.
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Front view
The view of the light object from the front gives the observer a holistic view of the dynamic picture of two worlds that intertwine. Above is the world of spirit and below is the world of matter. Above is a full field of timeless soft colored light, which is in itself a subtle body in the form of a great man of light. It represents a world of timeless perfect Living Ideas of the Spirit. In changing the color of light, it acts sublimely and mysteriously and gives expression to movement or even breathing. This liveliness of the perfect idea is the sower of living thoughts, inhabiting all infinite space as seeds (scientifically - invisible particles, also nanoparticles), to become once visible living creation in material various forms. These forms begin to get to know each other interactively - to accept and grow to ripe fruit. Man perceives this invisible world of light as unconscious. New discoveries in science, art and other social spheres are the fruit of an unconscious constant touch or if you want an influx of this spring. Painters sometimes paint in this unconscious field what we have not seen before and musicians create that melody that we have not heard before ...
This source of unexplained spirit is filled with Absolute Intelligence. Man is her favorite thought.
Below is the visible world of matter. This material world also has the form of man in which our solar system is also with the world of man (bright red light on the left foot), which is subject to the transience of time and the transformation of any idea. I have portrayed this material man in Plato’s seemingly trapped cave and he is content with the charms of this world that blind him. So I wrapped him in bandages because he is constantly wounded by this blindness. This world is full of compressed, hardened, variegated sprouts of seeds (thoughts) that have come from the spirit world to ripen like ripe fruit. Only in this state of tempering can they see, feel and get to know each other in their many forms and intelligences. Through the process of growth, maturation and maturity, they pass into the decay of matter so that they can take on new and new forms. This material manifesto of life or seed in the germination and ripening of the ripeness of the fruit culminates in human transformation. Man as an intellect is able to comprehend and understand this. With his sensory cognition and reason, he sympathizes in the ephemerality of time. This decomposition cannot be resisted as it is not the creator of matter, it is only the most perfect particle of a living idea, and it has become a new living seed as a new refined strain for the higher purpose of life. He became a new sower of living ideas. That is why man is the favorite thought of Absolute Intelligence.
One who is capable of a spiritual escape from this cave and looks up sees 7 colored energy fields. If he meets them, he can penetrate the pure world of living ideas. These intermediate energy 7 color circles are a gateway or door for anyone who wants to be connected to the spirit world. An artist through 7 basic colors, a musician through 7 basic tones, a scientist through 7 scattered light particles, a believer through 7 spirits, some sensually through a visible rainbow in the sky…
Color energies
In the middle above the cavity is the realization of the 7 energies. At the heart is the energy of green and is at the same time the central point around which everything revolves. This center is called RED. To the left of the green is orange and it is called SERIOUSNESS, yellow is PATIENCE, red is MERCY. To the right of the green is light blue and is called WILL (the strongest energy), dark blue is WISDOM and purple as LOVE. These are the main properties of all energies that intertwine in numbers 3 and 1. 7 (3 + 1 + 3 = 7). Harmony or harmony in the spiritual sense is possible only where there is a basic or central point around which everything moves, everything depends and everything is preserved. It is the formula of the cosmos that vibrates these properties. This is then expressed as matter - form - energy.
A summary of the experience on man
This artistic light object has a strong address to the viewer and gives him a message worthy of the knowledge of each individual. The front view addresses in word, image and sound. The light object has a built-in bluetooth speaker from which words and music can be heard. The above image of the figure on plexiglass (7x) changes color and gives the appearance of movement or even gentle breathing. Below in the cavity in the gauze bandages is a wrapped puppet with a human image, symbolizing human helplessness in the ephemerality of earthly life. Right below, however, there is still a shrunken man and he wonders: I am?
All in all, when watching this phenomenon, inspiration prevails in the viewer when looking at the upper part of the beautiful gentle colored light, which acts as a moving image and beautiful music comes to the ear from the dark cavity. Thus he forgets the notion of the transience of life below. He experiences a holistic sense of sublimity, as it is the gentle light in the beautiful moving unexplained image and music that raises his level of feelings. He feels that the here and now is beautiful and good for him.
When the viewer connects all this with sight and hearing, he experiences a kind of unexplained outpouring of the “WOV effect” or miracle.
When I turn off the energy - I turn off the light and sound, then the whole meaning of light and sound dissipates as if the sun were going out and we lose our hearing. The object becomes static - dead. Only now do we feel what light and its waves mean, which puts all things in motion - life. We also never forget about music as it elevates us to a higher level of feeling.
Back view
When the viewer steps behind the object and looks into it, he first sees himself and the image of the skeleton - death. It symbolically communicates that we are committed to death - to passing away. This effect is achieved with a mirror placed on the back of the object and reflecting all visible matter. It carries a symbolic message note: It's you! (Answer to the question from the front that says: I AM?) If he reads the white words on the far right mirror, he can internalize everything he saw on the first page with his own interpretation and connect it with the other page. He can even experience the revelation of himself and the world.
Man is the only intelligent being who is trapped between the two worlds and is capable of this contact. Today we are taken over by artificial intelligence, which is nothing but the combined intelligence of man (It is the sum of all human knowledge that is still being loaded. It contains everything bad and good.) And can never surpass the Absolute. Man is the favorite thought of the Absolute.
This holistic experience of a light object can inspire us or give us sobriety.
Of course, nowhere is it proven that all this can be true, but I give the possibility that it can also be true. He who accepts this experiences a kind of satisfaction and shakes off the fear of uncertainty. It comes to life in a kind of harmonious certainty. He shakes off the fear that is man’s greatest enemy, especially in creativity.
Let us experience life as a cleansing of the ugly and the bad, and ennoble it for that beautiful, sublime, sublime - good that is humanity. Let's preserve human dignity.
With this light work of art, I want to open people's eyes that life means something more and is worth living, so that we do not fall into self-conscious temptations… suicides, murders… Not everything is so ugly and bad. To some extent, some ugly and bad weeds must also grow. Only in this way is it maintained beautiful and good when it works in overcoming opposition. However, we must not allow these weeds to grow. Let us be aware that "perhaps really" above us is something extremely beautiful and good, intended only for man. So it’s worth living this life with a full spoon and inspiring hope for something more.
Let us sow beautifully and well, so that we too may become sowers of living ideas.
Handi Behrič, MFA
September 2021