Oren, 2019
Stephen Whatcott
Acrylic on canvas
Original Painting, 80 x 150 x 5 cm
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Offered by
Stephen Whatcott
United Kingdom
About Stephen Whatcott
Stephen Whatcott is a self-taught artist working in Worcestershire, UK producing minimalist, abstract expressionist paintings. With roots based on drawing, his work tends to utilise line and form. These largely monochrome abstract paintings explore solidity, texture and composition, often executed in a seemingly aggressive, or at least expressive, manner.
In 2015 Whatcott won the Painting category of the Secret Art Prize open art competition and in 2018 was shortlisted for the Rise Art Prize.
Whatcott is represented by various galleries and consultants based in London, Glasgow and Chicago. His work is held in private collections worldwide.
In 2015 Whatcott won the Painting category of the Secret Art Prize open art competition and in 2018 was shortlisted for the Rise Art Prize.
Whatcott is represented by various galleries and consultants based in London, Glasgow and Chicago. His work is held in private collections worldwide.