Uta, 2018
Stephen Whatcott
Acrylic on canvas
Original Painting, 150 x 100 x 5 cm

Stephen Whatcott
Return Policy
14 day return policy
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Shipping costs not included in refund. The artwork must be in the same condition as when received. In order to qualify for a refund, any returned artwork must be carefully packaged for return shipment.
About Stephen Whatcott
In 2015 Whatcott won the Painting category of the Secret Art Prize open art competition and in 2018 was shortlisted for the Rise Art Prize.
Whatcott is represented by various galleries and consultants based in London, Glasgow and Chicago. His work is held in private collections worldwide.
About the Product
With roots based in drawing, this collection of abstract work explores solidity, texture and form, produced using a limited palette allowing focus and direction. Set within the context of social and political instability, and using that as starting point, the paintings depict forms that at first glance appear quite solid, some even being walls of black paint, but on closer inspection give a sense of their fragility and impending collapse.
The paintings are physical, both in technique and presence, but ultimately attempt to communicate on an emotional level. Composed largely intuitively, it is in the fundamental components of vitality, drive and feeling, the things that epitomise being alive, that are being conveyed in these pictures.
Uta translates from Japanese as poem.