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Buy Happy Memory Box by Tony Alcock | Artlimes
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Happy Memory Box, 2023

Tony Alcock

Mixed Media : Framed mahogany wooden box, inkjet printed image from 1965, steel mesh, rods and nuts, felt, various paints and varnishes on acrylic and polyurethane panels, mirror glass plus wooden splinter.

  Original Painting, 37 x 37 x 16 cm

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AMA Artworks

About Tony Alcock

I was born in Nottingham (UK) in June 1947. My post school art education included a Pre-Dip at Loughborough followed by studying Fine Art / Painting at Leicester Polytechnic. After graduating and producing my 'Light Organ', I enjoyed a couple of years being recognized as an original and practicing artist in the UK. However, I chose to pursue life as a teacher, gaining a PGCE from Bristol University, where I later briefly lectured in Art education.

Circumstances changed and I found myself working as a musician, became a music shop owner and eventually worked in a successful graphics based company, MOGO UK. From 1993, I was able to reactivate my artistic ambitions, identifying myself as AMA, I've always liked the symmetry of my initials. Most all the work on this Artlimes website will have been produced after 1993.

I hope you enjoy and get into the work you see, it can then speak for itself.

By the way, whatever you think about the art, I'm very good at wrapping up, packaging and dispatching the finished article!
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