Ship, 2024
Emilia Milcheva
Ceramics and clay art object
Original Item, 17 x 33 x 10 cm
Unique Edition, 1 of 1

Emilia Milcheva
About Emilia Milcheva
Welcome to my world of art and love for nature! My name is Emilia. I believe I was born an artist. It took me some time in my childhood to understand which art suits me best. I tried almost every art stage until I found the art of painting and I stopped looking further. My passion for drawing and fine art actually and unexpectedly started with a dress of my mama. It was a white trico dress with purple-red-to pink roses printed on it /I hope you still remember the elegant feminine fashion of the 70ies-80ies…./ Seemed to me like the beauty of the whole world was captured in that dress. So I started painting roses. And I have never stopped painting ever since. Thus and thanks to that lovely dress I found the happiness of painting at a very early age and I discovered the power that it gave me to express myself, to tell people what I see and how I see it. For so many years now, nature is still the main source of inspiration for me. I am deeply touched and I admire the organic order and the harmony of nature. This leaves me with a feeling of tranquillity. It is amazing how nature paints her masterpieces every step of the way. No one can do better. So I am simply taking some captures on a loan. I want, at least I hope, the viewers of my art to feel the same happiness and peace of mind that I had while painting the piece. I want them to feel the warmth, the comfort, the quietness that I rest between the layers of paint.
I was trained by several fine art masters on a basis of private lessons. My parents believed that being in close contact and being personally trained by different artists of great skills and repute will help me grow better than going to an art school. So I was working painting together with each master for about one year. In parallel, I graduated from a foreign language school and institute.
I do not have a preferred medium. I love working with oil as well as acrylic. Oils give me the pleasure of building a painting step by step, hour by hour, playing with shadows and forms. The acrylics allow me to paint a piece in a single breath. This is what the art should be, I think, - one breath of life full of emotions and deep passion for the subject of the painting.
As a dedicated artist, I strongly believe that creating is the most powerful side of human beings. But I am sure also that art is not self-sufficient. There must be people to share with, to make a connection, to build the bridge speaker-listener. So come closer, take my hand and come with me to the most beautiful world of nature’s wonders!About the Product
The artwork had irregular shape and is asymmetrical both in construction and in coloring point of view. It is more a sculpture than a home utility.