Cumulations 05, 2018
Jan Astner
Acrylic on canvas
Original Painting, 50 x 70 x 2 cm

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About Jan Astner
Jan Astner studied architecture and fine arts in Poland and the USA.
He practices painting, drawing, computer graphics and photography. Recent projects come from the fascination of multi sensual perception. Paintings are elements of performances based on the idea of synaesthetic metaphors - abstractly combined sensual experiences create individual feelings for each participant.
Jan Astner exhibited in Europe as well as he ran an authorial gallery in Smogen, Sweden and Izabelin, Poland. For 25 years he has been dealing with consultancy in the field of building and managing brand image. Lives and works in Izabelin, Poland and during winter time in Spain and Portugal.About the Product
The CUMULATIONS in Jan Astner’s post-painterly artworks symbolizes an evolution in the area of central values. We see the free assimilation of oval graphic elements to present the idea of social relations.
Post-painterly artworks reject the mysticism of abstract expressionism and any residual references to the outside world. It is a purely factual art that functions more in terms of basic elements of the medium itself; form, color, texture, form and so on. The style of CUMULATIONS is based on bright colors, clear and open compositions. abstraction as Post-painterly style is typically linear in design, bright in colour, devoid of detail and incident.
CUMULATIONS is a series of post-painterly artworks by Jan Astner. According to the author, only a series allows for a real message, a transmission of his ideas and thoughts. To discuss the topic with the recipient. This is not a literal message, it cannot be in the formula chosen by the artist, but a thorough analysis of the notion of relationship from the perspective of symbolic interactionism, done by creating multi-level structures and in varying degrees of interdependence.