Mirage SII 29, 2020
Bartos Saro
Acrylic on canvas
Original Painting, 50 x 50 x 2 cm

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Return Policy Terms IAXAI makes every effort to ensure Art Collectors’ 100% satisfaction. Therefore, after receiving the purchased artwork, you have seven (7) days to decide whether you want to keep it or return it and get a refund. You must return the artwork within three (3) days from the day on which you informed us of your desire to return it. Never send work back before contacting us. You can only return the artwork in its original condition and in a secure packaging. We recommend returning works in the original packaging in which they were sent by IAXAI. There will be no refund for a damaged artwork. If you do not notify us of your intention to return the work within 7 days of receiving it or you do not send it back within 3 days of notifying us, you will not be entitled to a refund.
About Bartos Saro
About the Product
Saro is a reflective artist with a sharp sense of texture, light and color. His abstract painting in the Mirage series does not only refer to the transferred meaning of the word. It is an emanation, a poem about the individuality of feeling, a field for getting to know your emotions.
Bartos' abstract painting presents an imaginary linear internal world. Pictures create a new reality framed by layers of colors and convexities, expressive structures and forms made of dense, strongly sensual granularity. The artist juxtaposes calm surfaces with fragments that are shiny, glaze translucent, or shiny metallic. For this, he uses a wide range of painting media. Through these materials and techniques, he alludes to delusional hopes, appearances, delusions and illusions. Hence the name - Mirages - a phenomenon so often observed in the desert, fata morgana, an image formed by the refraction of light.