The knowledge, 2017
Ilias Matthaiopoulos
Oil on canvas
Original Painting, 150 x 120 x 3 cm
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Offered by
Ilias Matthaiopoulos
Moments of inner freedom when the mind is opened to perceive the untold beauty of all around us, the multi-layered art of Ilias Matthaiopoulos is very much connected to a high level of spiritualism and tells a fresh story every time.
From a single flower to a forest, from a child's detailed portrait to abstract figures, from a lonely mannequin to an interactive game of chess, from a plain wooded cross to his famous stamp of "Runners" during the 2004 Olympics in Greece, all his contemporary work feels as if it is touched by something divine. Oil on canvas, acrylics, collages and metal constructions are only few of the mediums he uses to create his one-of-a-kind masterpieces.
This artist is a mystic narrator of truths and apprehensions beyond the common intellect and at the same time he transforms into a realistic activist fighting for political and social change.Curated by
Kelly Kaimaki, Creative Writer / Curator
Kelly Kaimaki, Creative Writer / Curator
About Ilias Matthaiopoulos
The work of Ilias Matthaiopoulos is fatally intertwined with the incredible power of his colour palette. The quality of light, shades, matching colours and alternations, dictates behaviour. People are tested and tested! Landscapes rich in decorative elements, but delivered in a "fertile" silence, figures immersed in their thoughts, capturing moments and memories, as well as symmetrical lines ubiquitous, make his works unique visual arts of narrative abstraction. He is a hypersensitive and fragile "Activist"!
About the Product
«The knowledge" Remarkable painting, inspired by 18th and 19th century paintings (1.50X 1.20) oil on canvas.The painting can well be described as representative. Emotionally charged children's human figures give us a painting with a mysterious and dramatic glamour in some places. top Italian painting teacher Caravaggio, one of the great founders of the Baroque school. The painting is painted with oil and the use of the materials by the painter was done to avoid the plasticity of the figures, which, in the end, are realistic, earthy and direct. Thus, observing the painting, the children's figures come towards the viewer and their energy diffuses in the space. In contrast, "Knowledge" remains a dreamy-imaginary-ethereal form, as an idea, and imposing, and in this great size-unequally structurally-spontaneously and associatively, it indicates its power, as well as its symbolism and transcendence, allegorically as a deity, within the school classroom. The teacher, on a smaller scale, suggests immediacy with children and thus unites reality with transcendence in the natural symbolism of transmutation.