Gold Green Blue Iridescent Shine, 2022
Jonathan Pradillon
work done with a knife in acrylic paint on a wooden frame covered in cotton (100% cotton). (Iridescent colors) Frame edges painted with black acrylic paint. Protection: work varnished with a shiny aerosol spray.
Original Painting, 60 x 60 x 1.5 cm

About Jonathan Pradillon
After having completed 4 years of alternating study in computer graphics and art and craft, having thought carefully about his future Jonathan Pradillon preferred, rather than turning to computer graphics, to turn to the world of manual art and more precisely towards painting and sculpture.
Passionate since his early childhood by the mixture and the play of colours, forms and art in general, it is now since the year 2012 that he devotes himself totally to the realization of his works and declared professionally since early 2015..