River Mountain, 2022
Paul Kingsley Squire
Oil on canvas
Original Painting, 61 x 122 x 4 cm
Paul Kingsley Squire
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If you are not satisfied with the goods or have changed your mind you have the right to cancel within fourteen days of the contract, or fourteen days of receipt of the goods (whichever is the longer), return the goods and receive either a full refund of your monies or replacement goods. Please send an e-mail to me ([email protected]) before you return goods, telling me that you are returning the goods and why.
About Paul Kingsley Squire
Paul Kingsley Squire…
…is a London based oil painter & draftsman whose portfolio includes ethereal, otherworldly abstracted landscapes, surreal figurative works imbued with symbolism and old master inspired fantasy paintings.
He is fascinated by themes of metamorphosis and transformation and in recent years he has developed several distinct series of works, that play with dualism and the esoteric, creating a fusion of futuristic subject matter with an aged aesthetic.
Across each medium, his artistic style retains a consistent ethereal quality, and boasts polish and thoughtfulness that allows ideas of psychology, nature and consciousness to be pondered by each viewer.
His original oil paintings, pencil drawings and prints are collected internationally.About the Product
Continuing in the "World Beyond" series of abstracted otherworldly ethereal landscapes, "River Mountain" is an evolution of all the techniques I have developed so far in this style. I endeavour to use each new work as a further progression into what I can achieve with the medium of oil paint.
This is a very dynamic work, created using many layers of translucent oil paints to create depth, light and movement.
Completed on a deep edged stretched canvas, ready to hang.