Sunrise (Mortimer Woods), 2017
Russell Gilder
Oil on panel
Original Painting, 57 x 68 x 4 cm
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Russell Gilder
United Kingdom
About Russell Gilder
Russell Gilder is a visual artist specialising in large scale drawings and paintings derived from the ancient woodland landscapes of South Shropshire, England.
Born in Plymouth, Devon 1966. He studied painting, drawing and printmaking at the School of Fine Art, Margaret street, Birmingham City University, graduating with Ba Fine Art Hons Degree in 1996, and is now based in South West of England, where he works full time as a professional artist.
Although his landscapes are in part incarnations of his imagination, they are often rooted in reality. Mortimer Forest in South Shropshire is still the inspiration for many of his pieces. The area is a place of historical significance and literary inspiration.
Russell has exhibited extensively, and his work is held in private and public collections in the UK, Europe and North America. His work has also been accepted in major art competitions, such as the Hunting Prize, Discerning Eye, Lynn Stainer Painters Prize, shortlisted for the John Moores painting Prize, and exhibited and sold at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition.
Born in Plymouth, Devon 1966. He studied painting, drawing and printmaking at the School of Fine Art, Margaret street, Birmingham City University, graduating with Ba Fine Art Hons Degree in 1996, and is now based in South West of England, where he works full time as a professional artist.
Although his landscapes are in part incarnations of his imagination, they are often rooted in reality. Mortimer Forest in South Shropshire is still the inspiration for many of his pieces. The area is a place of historical significance and literary inspiration.
Russell has exhibited extensively, and his work is held in private and public collections in the UK, Europe and North America. His work has also been accepted in major art competitions, such as the Hunting Prize, Discerning Eye, Lynn Stainer Painters Prize, shortlisted for the John Moores painting Prize, and exhibited and sold at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition.
About the Product
A series of oil sketches depicting Mortimer Woods, South Shropshire. Using memory and imagination together, connecting to place that is an idealised reality of a place.