Sense Face, 2022
Sergio Suarez Benitez
Glicée print
Original Photography, 6 x 6 cm

About Sergio Suarez Benitez
My name is Sergio Suárez. I'm native of Canary Islands, Spain. My interest in art print I began in early childhood, and by the age of nine, created small art print works.
Now; I create in digital mediums. I enjoy very much manipulating images to take them out of context and to offer opened interpretations.
I´m a journalist, writer, graphic designer, photographer, community manager, digital editor, web designer, promoter of activities in nature with a long career in different active projects, active projects, in print media, on radio and in different spaces and digital niches.
If you have any questions about my art feel free to email me.About the Product
Image of an African-American woman in profile and of great beauty. An image in gray tones broken only by the red and yellow tones of her lips.
I have chosen this profile style to highlight a forced anonymity of the woman's image. This girl represents all women who exhibit and enjoy a free style of life.